Sunday, July 7, 2013

Madame's Last Day... :(

So today was Madame Norris's last day with us.  To say goodbye we went to dinner in the Port area of Nice.  Madame explained that this area was good because of how close the restaurants are to the water and that the seafood is fresh.  While at the Port, Madame introduced us to the custom of aperitifs.  Aperitifs are drinks that a person can have before the meal.  Since our reservations wasn't till about 7 o'clock, we decided to enjoy this custom.  

I decided to have the cafe creme.  I don't know what it is about the coffee here but is so much better than the coffee at home.  It's not as bitter, nor as strong.  I don't need to add a lot of sugar to it.  After the aperitifs, we walked a little farther up the Port and went to L'Escale ( the stopover).  At L'Escale, I ordered the mussels, in fish sauce.

They were so fresh and tender!!!  I have never had anything like it!!  It was truly an experience everyone should have!  The experience's that i have had this past week have been unbelievable!!  The sites i've seen; the amount of walking I've done; and the food I've eaten, has all been thanks to Madame Norris.  Merci Madame Norris!!!


  1. Hi Candi,
    So excited for you. Enjoy your trip and keep the pictures coming. xoxo
    ~Caroline (Macy's)
